Thursday, May 15, 2008

Scheduling your Engagement Shoots

(photos by my photographers-in-training for TraLa studios!)

WOW! What a terrific time it is for getting back outside and shooting again!

Wedding season has already begun to take effect here at Heather Lynn Photographie and I just wanted to help anyone who was thinking about scheduling Engagement Photos between now and their wedding this summer! As you have probably guessed, my weekends are booking fast! Pretty soon, there will be NO weekends available for scheduling shoots. I have been getting emails and calls about setting up Engagement shoots and I wanted to make sure I gave a heads up to anyone still waiting to schedule.

As of today, there are no weekend dates available in May, July or August. The only weekend dates available to schedule a shoot are June 15, 22, and 29. I imagine those dates being booked pretty quickly, so if you have ANY time during the weekdays, PLEASE try and work something out for then! The sun is coming back out and does not set until about 8:30, so that leaves plenty of time after work to head to a local beach or park! Let's work together on this and get every last couple their engagement photos!

Thank you all for your support and faith! I have booked over 30 weddings this year and am thrilled with the wonderful new people I get to meet and share memories with! This is going to be a great wedding season, with two new additions to our photography team, and more in training for next year! Heather Lynn Photographie has been truly blessed with the chance to capture part of each life we have come across, and we thank you all for that!

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